Tips to Apply Concealer

The under eye area is so tender; placing concealer on it has to be done ever so delicately. First, chose the shade of your concealer carefully: For pale skin, use a light beige with yellow undertones. For olive skin, use a medium beige with pink undertones. And for darker skin, use a medium to medium-dark shade with peach undertones.

Concealer is one of the most important products in any woman’s beauty arsenal. In fact, many beauty editors use concealer primarily and skip the foundation completely. Yet many women are afraid of concealers because they don’t know how to find the right shade or apply it properly. Here we show you how to apply concealer. Continue reading

Benefits in A Cup of Tea

Benefits include tea as an antioxidant, repairing damaged cells, smooth skin, and slim body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, and blood circulation. So, do not be surprised if this drink is called as a beverage rich in benefits.

Group differences and the naming of tea made by way of processing the tea before and after being picked from the tree. Continue reading

Skin Health VS Lifestyle

Without realizing it, which could be a major cause of our skin is dull and not wonderful lifestyle we have lived for many years.

1. Too often drinking alcohol

Red wine contains antioxidants which are good for the skin if taken no more than one drink per day. But other types of alcohol, especially if taken excessively, it actually causes the skin dry, dehydrated, and wrinkles. Continue reading

Avoiding Usual Sun Lotion

Sun lotion is a must for all your outdoor activities, if you wish to prevent the sun rays from damaging your skin cells. Regular use of sunscreen also wards off more serious skin situations like skin cancer. Fortunately, most folks are aware of the many advantages of sun lotion and employ it regularly. However, many of them are not very acquainted with the correct way to employ the product. So, if you desire to apply sunscreen correctly for maximum benefit, it is imperative that you stay clear of the following errors. Continue reading

Pumpkin seeds, Natural Antioxidant as Skin Wrinkles Antidote

Wrinkle skin makes the beautiful look will not be viewed. It’s no secret when wrinkles appear due to exposure to sunlight, dust, pollution, air conditioner water. But the exposure can not be avoided so many products that offer skin care to prevent wrinkles.

You know that sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, aka a simple intake that can prevent wrinkles. Pumpkin seeds contain vitamin E which helps the formation of collagen, skin damaging from free radicals, and restore the health of skin cells. Continue reading