Herbal Remedies Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition caused by the presence of dangerous pathogens in the respiratory tract. Pathogens can be bacteria or viruses. Most viruses that cause this condition including influenza, rhino virus, syncytial virus and adenoviridae.

Experienced symptoms including cough expectorant, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest pain. Wheezing and chest pain are as a result of blockage of the airways causing difficulty in passing air. Other symptoms include fever, fatigue and headache.

Since most infectious bronchitis caused by a virus and usually disappear within days. This condition is caused by the presence of pathogenic bacteria are in need of treatment using antibiotics. Bronchitis Herbal remedies may be taken after consultation with the doctor. Continue reading

Natural Remedy Relieve Headaches

Almost every day, we would hear complaints from any person a headache. Does not depend on social status, everyone can feel a headache with various causes. The pain that arises as a body response for physical or emotional stress that occurs.

Stress can make the muscles in the head and neck to contract to create tension in the head. This condition can also affect blood vessels and result in vascular or migraine headaches.
Although headache, although mild, can cause a sense of discomfort, pain arising from trivial things like that usually is temporary. In fact, quite easy to suppress it with natural ingredients from the spices that we can get in the kitchen. Continue reading