Healthy Pregnancy on First Trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy is a critical time for embryonic development and fetal growth. In order for this process went well it would require treatment in pregnant women. There are some health tips following can be used by pregnant women during their periods of this.


Pregnancy and childbirth requires thorough preparation. With a lot of reading about pregnancy would make pregnant women become more aware and prepared to undergo this process. And this will minimize the stress levels in pregnant women due to physical and hormonal changes. Continue reading

Yellow Teeth Due to Tea and Coffee

Healthy teeth can be achieved by diligent brushing in the morning and evening. However, this alone is not enough if we do not notice many things that can affect dental health. For example, drinking tea and coffee.

Consumption of these drinks can cause changes in tooth color. The content of tannins in these drinks can change the color of the outer layer of tooth or enamel, as well as other colored drinks such as soft drinks, wine, or syrup. As a result, the tooth surface will appear colored black or brown. Continue reading

The Yoga Hub

Plastic-Eating Fungi Found In The Amazon

A group of students and professors from Yale University have found a fungi in the Amazon rainforest that can degrade and utilize the common plastic polyurethane (PUR). As part of the university’s Rainforest Expedition and Laboratory educational program, designed to engage undergraduate students in discovery-based research, the group searched for plants and cultured the micro-organisms within their tissue.

Several active organisms were identified, including two distinct isolates of Pestalotiopsis microspora with the ability to efficiently degrade and utilize PUR as the sole carbon source when grown anaerobically, a unique observation among reported PUR biodegradation activities.

Polyurethane is a big part of our mounting waste problem and this is a new possible solution for managing it. The fungi can survive on polyurethane alone and is uniquely able to do so in an oxygen-free environment. The Yale University team has published its findings in the article ‘Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic…

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Is It Just Snoring, or Sleep Apnea?

We all know a snorer. But depending on the symptoms, it could be a more serious threat to your body.

When is snoring just annoying, and when is it a sign of something worse?

Millions of adults snore. Although some find that it isn’t an issue in their lives, others report that snoring can be a serious annoyance to family members. For some, it can be so serious that it causes bed partners to sleep separately, leading to marital discord in some couples.

People often snore more when they’ve gained a few pounds, when they’ve had alcohol or even sleeping in specific positions. Effective treatments exist for snoring, such as using nasal strips, losing weight, steering clear of alcohol and sedative medications at night, and avoiding sleeping on one’s back. For many, though, these are simply not enough, and snoring is a sign of a more serious sleep disorder: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

When we fall asleep, the muscles in our body relax, including the muscles in our throat and airway. Some people have a narrow throat area and when the muscles relax during sleep, the airway can become blocked or further narrowed which leads to pauses in breathing (often longer than 10 seconds at a time!). Continue reading

Aging Gracefully

Forget the Botox and lasers, if you’re the type to fight wrinkles and sags by getting “a little work done,” well, you might consider going ahead and getting a lot. According to the study just published by the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, the more surgery patients had done, the younger they were perceived to be.

The study participants included 60 patients (all but six of whom were female), between the ages of 45 to 72, divided by three distinct levels of nips and tucks. Group one had undergone face and neck lifts; the second also had face and neck lifts but added upper and lower eyelid work to the menu; and the third were no strangers to the surgical knife, having had all of the above performed plus forehead lifts as well. Medical students were then asked to estimate the patients’ ages by studying photographs of them.

Surprisingly, depending on your perspective, the students perceived those in the first category as appearing 5.7 years younger, but for the second and third groups, surmised the patients were a whopping 7.5 and 8.4 years younger, respectively.

While it might make sense that the more plastic surgery one gets the younger they look—that is the point, after all, isn’t it?—there may be another key reason why the latter two groups seemed to have shaved off so many years: They both had eye procedures done. Continue reading

How To Become a Morning Person

Routine, sunlight and a favorite morning activity can turn an owl into a lark. You hit snooze twice, skip breakfast and grumpily rush to the office.

By late-morning, however, you’re firing off emails handily. Your mood rises over the day. By 5:30, you’re ready to get some exercise. At midnight, you’re surfing the Internet and doing the laundry. You know you should get to bed, but you’ve had a burst of energy you’d like to use.

  • You’re a night owl.

Your sister is your opposite. She awakes without an alarm (or at least without relying on the snooze button) in time to mix up her favorite smoothie and go running for 40 minutes and play boisterously with her kids—all before work. But by 4:00 pm she’s slowing down and in the evening, she’d rather watch TV and hit the hay early, just when you’re up for a phone call. Continue reading