Smelly Feet..??

Surely you’ve had smelly feet. This foot odor usually comes from a mixture of sweat and bacteria on the feet. Odor foot odor is really annoying. Not surprisingly, many people who do not want to go near the owner’s smelly feet.

  • The foot washing

There are sweat glands on the soles of your feet, so that the feet can produce sweat. In the presence of actinomycetes bacteria arising from the use of shoes with materials that inhibit air exchange, secretion of sweat break and produce a foul odor. Deodorize it can be overcome by washing the feet with soap, then dry until completely dry. Also make sure when you shower, foot and between your fingers really brushed with soap to reduce foot odor.
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Breast Care for Pregnant Women

Many pregnant women neglect breast care. It may be because the lazy or really do not know will benefit. Though breast care during pregnancy is very important for the smooth running of milk one day after giving birth.

“In fact, with proper care, the result is not only sufficient production, but also remains in good shape of the breast during breastfeeding,” said dr. Suharjanti Kramadibrata, Sp.OG of Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.

As we know, breasts during pregnancy will be amended. Among others feel tighter, bigger, and fuller. That said, the birth weight of each breast to 1.5 times greater than before pregnancy.
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Risk of Early Menopause to Smokers Women

Women who smoke may experience menopause one year earlier than those who do not smoke. And according to the study, it can affect the risk of developing bone and heart disease.

Research reported in the journal Menopause, the collected data from several previous studies, including conducting a survey of 6000 women in the United States, Poland, Turkey and Iran.

Found that women who do not smoke will experience menopause between the ages of 46 to 51 years. While those who smoke will experience menopause at age 43 to 50 years.
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