Are Wireless Cell Phones Safe?

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If you look at the frequency range of wireless cell phones and microwaves they are almost the same frequency. Of course the power that the microwaves put out are a lot higher than wireless cell phones but the microwave is not put next to ones head for long periods of time either.

Microwaves have always been considered unsafe and in fact there is shielding in the case of the unit to keep the microwave energy contained within the unit.

I believe the cell phone is in the same category as the cigarette in the 70’s. The cigarette industry kept telling us that cigarettes were safe because the cigarette companies wanted to continue to make money.

There is a lot of money being made in the cell phone industry so cell phones are still considered safe.

Studies have only muddled the issue. It is really tough to find any one study to prove the point one way or another. If you want to prove anything one can skew a study to prove anything. The sugar industry is always trying to prove that sugar is better for you than artificial sweeteners and visa versa. In the wireless cellular phone industry the cell phone companies support the studies that show the a little radiation is okay.

When you understand how the technology works may be you might be more concerned especially when you realize that every day there are more and more users. Also when you understand that the cell phone and the cell phone central station will step up their power when the signal gets weak you might start getting more concerned. Well if you happen to be closer to the transmitting tower you will get the effects of the increased power. It like getting second hand smoke. You are not smoking but you are getting the smoke into your lungs anyway. Well if you are not even using a cell phone and you are getting the results of a cell phone with a week signal and you are between the cell phone and the transmitting tower. The cell phone transmits in all directions and so does the transmitting tower.

Rather than being a risk taker I believe it is better to be safe than to wait for the government to declare cell phones unsafe. We can all be proactive and do some very basic things that will make the cell phone safer. We cannot do much about cell phone transmissions from other cell phones except if we wear protective clothing which does exists but we can use bluetooth headsets or ear pieces that use one one thousandths less power than the cell phone and we can put the cell phones in a cell phone case that is not only decorative but also practical with radiation protection on the side closest to our bodies when carrying the cell phones in our chest pocket or hip pocket or in a purse.

It is true that there are many more things that can create health issues but we need start addressing all of them. There are a lot of things we can do if we want to be proactive. As an engineer I look at all these problems as challenges that will produce opportunities. We cannot just sit around and wait for others to take care of our needs. With the internet we as individuals can make a difference. We not only have challenges in our communications industry, but our energy industry, our food industry, housing industry, and health industry. All areas will produce opportunities for those that identify the problems and then come up with the solutions.


Article by Peter Blackman

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