Herbal Remedies Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition caused by the presence of dangerous pathogens in the respiratory tract. Pathogens can be bacteria or viruses. Most viruses that cause this condition including influenza, rhino virus, syncytial virus and adenoviridae.

Experienced symptoms including cough expectorant, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest pain. Wheezing and chest pain are as a result of blockage of the airways causing difficulty in passing air. Other symptoms include fever, fatigue and headache.

Since most infectious bronchitis caused by a virus and usually disappear within days. This condition is caused by the presence of pathogenic bacteria are in need of treatment using antibiotics. Bronchitis Herbal remedies may be taken after consultation with the doctor.

Bronchitis herbal antibiotic drugs are available. This can only be taken after the diagnosis of doctors and identify the cause of this condition as a bacterial infection. bronchitis herbal medicine can be taken with permission from your doctor. Also for the prescription of herbal medicine that you can consume.

When someone is suffering from a cough expectorant as a result of bacterial infection, the expectorant cough syrup as needed. This helps remove any harmful bacteria in the body by coughing issued. Bronchitis cough syrup expectorant herbs can certainly be consumed. This could be possible after obtaining a prescription from a doctor. Over the counter medicines can be harmful in the treatment of bronchitis self. You should avoid doing this. In most cases, these symptoms usually disappear within days. It should not take longer than a month for symptoms of cough is completely healed.

These are some examples of natural bronchitis drug, what we call with herbal medicine:

1.    Ginseng, useful to reduce inflammation, and can help also clear bronchial passages.

2.    Astragalus, is an antibiotic that is useful to increase immunity.

3.    Coltsfoot, useful to relieve cough.

4.    Echinacea, equipment for the immune system, stimulating and pain during the healing period.

5.    Elderberry, is used to reduce fever and nasal congestion.

6.    Elecampane, helps remove mucus from the lungs.

7.    Ephedra, used to relieve bronchial spasms & nasal congestion.

8.    Inhaling Eucalyptus Steam, useful to relieve nasal congestion.

9.    Fenugreek, very useful in reducing the flow of mucus.

10. Ginkgo Biloba, prevent free radical damage in the lungs.

11. Goldenseal, has antibiotic properties and reduce inflammation in the throat, nasal passages and sinuses.

12. Lobelia, helping bronchial congestion and stop wheezing.

13. Mullein oil, used to relieve bronchial congestion and improve the pulmonary circulation.

14. Reishi, used to fight bacterial infections.

Herbal remedies for bronchitis are quite popular. Many believe in its ability to restore the health of our lungs. If this herbal remedy for bronchitis worked well for others, also can work for you.

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