
To life with dreams does not mean to be sitting around and wait for the miracle happens. As you know, many great things happened from the idea of spectacular dreams.

Dream is a beautiful hope on wonderland. That is why a dreamer being mocked as an unrealistic person playing on high dream with unlimited energy. It is a common thing if we use the word dream as a negative word to under estimate things.

Different with amateur dreamers who stop on imagination land, a true dreamer will not stop fighting to make their dream come true. From what ever a cross him, he will never stop only going to make him fight stronger, anything would be called as tear of inspirations. When finally, a true dreamers would shut the world with spectacular changes.

There are so many wonderful people on history, make their unreliable dreams come true. The journey of time has proved that dreams are capable to be the source of energy. On some dictionary, dreams mean something’s we saw or feel in our sleep, wonder or not. Positively, dream is a hope to make real something hard to becoming true. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, said that dream is a hope, something you want to happen very much but that is not very likely. This kind of dream is challenging and adrenalin pumping. A true dreamers, is able to dream even if he is not sleeping.

But don’t ever think that dreaming is easy, because dreaming has a huge risk. Martin Luther King said on his famous speech, “I have a dream!”

And because of that one dream he was shot to death on April 4th, 1968 Memphis America. Why? Because his dreams is to stop people discrimination.

And why is dreaming being described for high hope? Because dreaming is an imaginations on a good conditions that create wonderful miracle. And that we have our own destiny to fight.

Source: from various sources

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